ServiceNow Branding & Website

product marketing consultants

“The Olivine team played a crucial role in helping us craft and launch a new brand and website. Despite entering a competitive market, we were able to identify our unique value proposition as a brand and product, and clearly reflect that positioning in our overall marketing strategy. Olivine has been creative, thoughtful, and nimble throughout our partnership.”



About ServiceNow

ServiceNow is a Bay Area-based software company with a cloud-based platform and solutions to deliver digital workflows that create great experiences and unlock productivity for employees and the enterprise. The company specializes in IT services management (ITSM), IT operations management (ITOM), and IT business management (ITBM), allowing users to manage projects, teams, and customer interactions via a variety of apps and plugins.

The need

Following the acquisition of Lightstep by ServiceNow and the decision to nest their newest product under the Lightstep brand, ServiceNow partnered with Olivine to develop a new brand identity for Lightstep Incident Response. This was a new opportunity to disrupt themselves and the market with a product-led growth (PLG) initiative. While ServiceNow was keen on staying true to their product vision, they knew they needed to incorporate elements of the Lightstep design into the overall branding strategy. Together, we created a new brand identity and website for the Lightstep Incident Response product that merged artistic elements from both brands. 

The strategy

We started out by thoroughly understanding the existing brand positioning for both Lightstep and ServiceNow through a strategic workshop, focusing on key questions like why the brand exists, why the brand is unique, and what the vision for the brand is. Knowing that the product was merging two distinct, but complementary brands, we worked with the ServiceNow team over the course of 10+ weeks to craft the brand style, visual identity, and messaging, ensuring that the new brand and website accurately reflected Lightstep Incident Response's unique position within the space. 

product marketing consultants

The deliverables

product marketing consultants

By the end of the initial engagement period, we helped ServiceNow launch a completely new brand and website as a foundation for their go-to-market plan. The website delivery included fundamental pages like the main homepage, product page, docs page, and pricing page. The new branding was also carried across all marketing and sales collateral - from paid ads to enablement content, and even product videos.

product marketing consultants

ServiceNow Quick Stats

  • B2B SaaS

  • Cloud-based solutions for enterprise operations

  • Public Company, NYSE: NOW

  • Market Cap: $136B

  • Acquired Lightstep in June 2021

    The Olivine Team

Ashley Wilson

VP of Brand Strategy, Founder of Olivine & CMO at Momentum. Formerly Sauce Labs.


Envoy Product Marketing Strategy