How to create messaging that your sales team will actually use
Learn how to create sales-friendly messaging with tips from Sheena Vega, Director of PMM at Olivine. Discover how to build strong sales relationships, develop customer-centric value propositions, and simplify your messaging for better results.
Best of Inside Olivine 2023
We’ve compiled some of our best posts from Inside Olivine in 2023, and with topics like building strong relationships with sales, tips for approaching your AI product GTM strategy, and utilizing product and growth marketing for positioning – we’ve got you covered with go-to-market insights on B2B SaaS.
What our clients achieved in 2022 (and how we supported them)
Over the past 12 months, we’ve had the opportunity to work with 16 new clients in a variety of industries, including crypto, B2B SaaS, payment systems, security, developer tools, healthcare and benefits, non-profit, and workplace technology. We’re so grateful for everything we’ve learned this year and for the partnerships we’ve built.
Personas: your secret weapon to great marketing
Personas are representations of your real users (and buyers), and they help you understand their experiences, feelings, behaviors, pain points, and goals. When they’re built out successfully, you’ll start to see benefits across your entire business.
Product marketing + sales enablement: The perfect match
With more than 15 years of sales, marketing, and sales enablement experience combined, two members of the Olivine team sit down to dig into how sales and marketing come together in an organization. From the best ways to collaborate to areas of improvement, we discuss how our teams play a role in the others' success, and what else can be done to maximize cross-functional success.
How Product Marketing changes at every company stage
Leaders from our product marketing team partnered with Zeit, a career pivot platform, to discuss the different styles of product marketing management and how the role changes depending on the company stage.
What great product marketers have in common with method actors
If I could draw any comparison between myself and a famous actor it would be that as a Product Marketer I must become my customer if I want them to listen to anything I have to say.